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Terms for subject Environment (23394 entries)
chuva rain (Precipitation in the form of liquid water drops with diameters greater than 0.5 millimeter)
chuva rain
chuva rainfall
chuva ácida acid deposition
chuva ácida acidic precipitation
chuva artificial artificial rain
chuva de pedra hail-storm
chuva radioativa rainout
chuvas ácidas acid rain (Rain having a pH less than 5.6. The acidity results from chemical reactions occurring when water, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, generally released by industrial processes, are chemically transformed into sulphuric and nitric acids)
chuvas ácidas acid rain
chuvisco drizzle
chuvisco fine drizzle
chuvisco fine drizzling rain
chuvisco mizzle
cia tree pipit
cianato cyanate (A salt or ester of cyanic acid containing the radical OCN)
cianeto de cobre copper cyanide
cianetos cyanide (Any of a group of compounds containing the CN group and derived from hydrogen cyanide, HCN)
cianetos cyanide
cião tree pipit