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Terms for subject Environment (23394 entries)
catalisadores usados spent catalysts
catálise catalysis (A phenomenon in which a relatively small amount of substance augments the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed)
Catálogo europeu de resíduos European Waste Catalogue
Catálogo Europeu de Resíduos European Waste Catalogue
catamarã twin-hull craft
catamarãs twin-hull craft (Oil tank vessels provided with a double-hull to meet the regulatory safety requirements in oil transportation. Requirements include minimum values for depths and breadth of double bottoms. Also called double-hull tank vessel)
catamarãs twin-hull craft
catástofre provocada pelo homem man-made disaster
catástrofe disasters
catástrofe causada pelo homem human-made disaster
catástrofe de evolução lenta creeping disaster
catástrofe ecológica ecocatastrophe
catástrofe ecológica ecodoom
catástrofe ecológica ecological disaster
catástrofe natural natural disaster
catástrofe provocada pelo homem manmade disaster
catástrofe relacionada com óleo oil disaster
catástrofes catastrophe (A sudden, widespread disaster or calamity that greatly exceeds the resources of an area or region)
catástrofes catastrophe
catástrofes agrícolas agricultural disaster (Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment either affecting or caused by land cultivation or the raising of crops or livestock)