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Terms for subject Finances (23842 entries)
hora dos três feitiços triple-witching hour
hora limite de exercício expiration time
horário de abertura opening hours
horário de negociação adicional expanded traded hour
horas de abertura hours of business
horas de abertura working hours
horizonte de capital capital horizon
horizonte de liquidez liquidity horizon
horizonte de previsão forecasting horizon
horizonte temporal time dimension
horizonte temporal time frame
horizonte temporal time horizon
hot money hot money
hotelaria, restauração, cafés cafés, hotels and restaurants
hotelaria, restauração, cafés hotels, restaurants and cafés
ICE Futures US New York Board of Trade
ICE Futures US ICE Futures US
ideário mission statement
identificação das mercadorias identification of the goods
identificação de autoria indication of authorship