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أ ٌ ْ ھ ـ ٕ ء ة ى ء غ ظ ض ذ خ ث ت ش ر ق ص ف ع س ن م ل ك ي ط ح ز ئ و ه د ج ب ا آ ی پ ڥ چ گ ڨ ڭ ݣ   <<  >>
Terms for subject Environment (6297 entries)
غذاء جديد novel food (genetically enginereed food; Genetically engineered foods. Novel foods, including those altered using biotechnology, should not differ "significantly" from the foods they are to replace. Labels should not be misleading, but must make clear any differences between the novel food and its "conventional" alternative, and must say how that difference was achieved. Foods containing a genetically modified living organism, such as a live yogurt made with an altered culture, would always be labelled. Any food whose modification might raise moral or health worries to consumers would also have to carry a label. This would include genes from an animal considered unclean by some religions, or from a plant that might cause allergic reactions. However, foods which, although made using novel methods, are identical to conventional foods, would not have to be labelled)
غذاء غني بالبروتينات high protein food
غرامة fine (A pecuniary punishment or penalty imposed by lawful tribunal upon person convicted of crime or misdemeanor)
غرب آسيا Western Asia (A geographic region of Asia that includes Turkey, Iran and other countries of the Middle East and the Arabian peninsula)
غرب أفريقيا West Africa (A geographic region of the African continent bordered in the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean, including the republics of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote D'ivoire, Gambie, Ghana, Guinee Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Nigeria, Sengegal, Sierra Leone and Togo)
غرين alluvion (An overflowing; an inundation or flood, especially when the water is charged with much suspended material)
غرين silt (The fine mineral material formed from the erosion of rock fragments and deposited by rivers and lakes. Its particles are the intermediate form between sand and clay. The particles can range in size from 0.01-0.05 mm in diameter)
غزال deer (The common name for 41 species of even-toed ungulates that compose the family Cervidae in the order Artiodactyla; males have antlers)
غزو رخويات mollusc invasion
غسل التربة soil leaching (The removal of water or any soluble constituents from the soil. Leaching often occurs with soil constituents such as nitrate fertilizers with the result that nitrates end up in potable waters)
غسل - شطف rinsing (The removal of thin layers of surface material more or less evenly from an extensive area of gently sloping land, by broad continuous sheets of running water rather than by streams flowing in well-defined channels; e.g. erosion that occurs when rain washes away a thin layer of topsoil)
غسول lye (The alkaline solution that is obtained from the leaching of wood ashes)
غشاء نسيجي membrane (A thin tissue that encloses or lines biological cells, organs, or other structures. It consists of a double layer of lipids with protein molecules between the two layers. Membranes are permeable to water and fat-soluble substances but not to such polar molecules as sugars)
غشائيات الأجنحة hymenopteran (Insects including bees, wasps, ants, and sawflies, having two pair of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging, sawing or piercing)
غطاء الأرض land cover (Land cover is the physical state of the land surface. It is the combination of vegetation, soil, rock, water and human-made structures, which make up the earth's landscape. The land cover is the interface between the earth's crust and the atmosphere, influencing the exchange of energy and matter in the climatic system and biogeochemical cycles)
غطاء زجاجة bottle cap (No definition needed)
غطاء للتربة mulch (A layer of organic material applied to the surface of the ground to retain moisture; mulching is the spreading of leaves, straw or other loose material on the ground to prevent erosion, evaporation or freezing of plant roots)
غلاية boiler (An enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated, either as hot water or as steam, for heating or power)
غلة yield (The accumulated volume or biomass remaining from gross production after accounting for losses due to respiration during production, herbivory, litterfall, and other factors that decrease the remaining available biomass; agricultural)
غلق الرهن foreclosure (To shut out, to bar, to destroy an equity of redemption. A termination of all rights of the mortgagor or his grantee in the property covered by the mortgage. The process by which a mortgagor of real or personal property, or other owner of property subject to a lien, is deprived of his interest therein. Procedure by which mortgaged property is sold on default of mortgagor in satisfaction of mortgage debt. In common usage, refers to enforcement of lien, trust deed, or mortgage in any method provided by law)