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Terms for subject Environment (6297 entries)
جمعية - اتحاد association (A body of persons associated for the regulation of a common economic activity by means of a special organization)
جمعية حماية البيئة environmental protection association (Associations whose object resides in the protection of natural environment)
جمعية صناعية - اتحاد صناعي industrial association
جنوب آسيا Southern Asia (A geographic region of the Asian continent bordered in the north by the countries of Central Asia and in the south by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, extending westward into Iran and eastward into China, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan and Sri Lanka)
جنوب شرق آسيا Southeast Asia (A geographic region of continental Asia, south of China, west of the South Pacific Ocean, north of the Indian Ocean, and east of the Bay of Bengal and the Indian subcontinent, including the Indochina Peninsula, the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian and Philippine Archipelagos, and countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam)
جنين embryo (An early stage of development in multicellular organisms)
جهاز تخزين الكهرباء electrical storage device (No definition needed)
جهاز تنقية رطبة wet scrubber (1. An air cleaning device that literally washes out the dust. Exhaust air is forced into a spray chamber, where fine water particles cause the dust to drop from the air stream. The dust-ladden water is then treated to remove the solid material and is often recirculated. 2. Equipment through which a gas is passed to remove impurities (solid, liquid, or gaseous particles) by intimate contact with a suitable liquid, usually an aqueous medium)
جهاز حماية shielding device (Barriers devised for keeping away from people harmful substances)
جهاز حماية تنفسي respiratory protection apparatus (Any of a group of devices that protect the respiratory system from exposure to airborne contaminants; usually a mask with a fitting to cover the nose and mouth)
جهاز خروج العادم exhaust device (1. A duct or pipe through which waste material is emitted. 2. A combination of components which provides for enclosed flow of exhaust gas from engine parts to the atmosphere)
جهاز لمكافحة الحريق apparatus
جهاز منزلي domestic appliance (A machine or device, especially an electrical one used domestically)
جو weather (The day-to-day meteorological conditions, especially temperature, cloudiness, and rainfall, affecting a specific place)
جوانب عسكرية military aspects
جون صخري cove (1. A deep recess hollow, or nook in a cliff or steep mountainside, or a small, straight valley extending into a mountain or down a mountainside. 2. A valley or portion of lowland that penetrates into a plateau or mountain front)
جينات حيوانية animal genetics (The scientific study of the hereditary material of animals for theoretical and practical applications such as increased population, conservation and disease research)
جيولوجيا البترول petroleum geology (The branch of economic geology that relates to the origin, migration and accumulation of oil and gas, and to the discovery of commercial deposits. Its practice involves the application of geochemistry, geophysics, paleontology, structural geology and stratigraphy to the problems of finding hydrocarbons)
جيولوجيا التعدين mining geology (The study of geologic aspects of mineral deposits, with particular regard to problems associated with mining)
جَنَبة - شجيرة shrub (A woody perennial plant, smaller than a tree, with several major branches arising from near the base of the main stem)