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Terms for subject Environment (6297 entries)
التشعيع - الإشعاع irradiation (To subject to or treat with light or other electromagnetic radiation or with beams of particles)
التصحيح الجوي atmospheric correction (The removal from the remotely sensed data of the atmospheric effects caused by the scattering and absorption of sunlight by particles; the removal of these effects improves not only the quality of the observed earth surface imaging but also the accuracy of classification of the ground objects)
التصحيح الهندسي geometric correction (A remote sensing term referring to the adjustment of an image for geometric errors)
التصريح بالتخطيط planning permission (An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves a step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of action to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives)
التصوير الفوتوغرافي photography (The process of forming visible images directly or indirectly by the action of light or other forms of radiation on sensitive surfaces)
التصوير المساحي الضوئي photogrammetry (The process of making measurements from photographs, used especially in the construction of maps from aerial photographs and also in military intelligence, medical and industrial research, etc.)
التطاير - سرعة التبخر volatility (The property of a substance or substances to convert into vapor or gas without chemical change)
التطهر الذاتي self-purification (A natural process of organic degradation that produces nutrients utilized by autotrophic organisms)
التطهير الذاتي للبحيرات الضحلة lagooning (The process in which sunlight, bacterial action and oxygen cause self-purification in waste water, Usually taking place in a shallow pond, or system of such ponds)
التطهير بالتربة purification through the soil (The act or process in which a section of the ground is freed from pollution or any type of contamination, often through natural processes)
التطور evolution (The biological theory or process whereby species of plants and animals change with the passage of time so that their descendants differ from their ancestors, i.e. development from earlier forms by hereditary transmission of slight variations in successive generations)
التطور التاريخي historical evolution (The process by which small but cumulative changes in the learned, nonrandom, systematic behavior and knowledge of a people occur from generation to generation)
التطور الديموجرافي demographic evolution (The gradual pattern of change in the growth of human populations in a particular region or country, from a rapid increase in the birth and death rates to a leveling off in the growth rate due to reduced fertility and other factors)
التطور الفردي ontogenesis (The entire sequence of events involved in the development of an individual organism)
التطور الملوِّث pollutant evolution (The process of cumulative reactive change following the introduction of a pollutant into the environment)
التعاون العلمي scientific co-operation
التعديل الوراثي - التعديل الجيني genetic modification (Inheritable changes produced by ionizing radiation, exposure to certain chemicals, ingestion of some medication and from other causes)
التعدين السطحي strip mining (Superficial mining, in which the valuable rock is exposed by removal of overburden. Coal, numerous nonmetals and metalliferous ores (iron and copper) are worked in this way. Sinonym: strip mining, opencast mining, openpit mining)
التعدين المكشوف opencast mining (Extracting metal ores and minerals that lie near the surface by removing the overlying material and breaking and loading the ore)
التعدين في أعماق البحار deep sea mining (The most valuable of the marine mineral resources is petroleum. About 15% of the world's oil is produced offshore, and extraction capabilities are advancing. One of the largest environmental impacts of deep sea mining are discharged sediment plumes which disperse with ocean currents and thus may negatively influence the marine ecosystem. Coal deposits known as extensions of land deposits , are mined under the sea floor in Japan and England)