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Terms for subject Environment (6297 entries)
طير جارح bird of prey (Any of various carnivorous bird of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes which feed on meat taken by hunting)
طير مهاجر migratory bird (Birds which migrate in a body)
طيران على ارتفاع منخفض low-level flight (Flying at low altitude)
طيف الضوضاء noise spectrum (The range of frequencies occurring in the noise emitted by a source)
طين متحلل digested sludge (Sludge or thickened mixture of sewage solids with water that has been decomposed by anaerobic bacteria)
طين مُنَشَّط activated sludge (Sludge that has been aerated and subjected to bacterial action; used to speed breakdown of organism matter in raw sewage during secondary waste treatment)
طيور المنطقة avifauna (All the birds in a particular region)
طيور تفريخ breeding bird (The individuals in a bird population that are involved in reproduction during a particular period in a given place)
طَقْس ملائم للحريق fire weather
طَوف twin-hull craft (Oil tank vessels provided with a double-hull to meet the regulatory safety requirements in oil transportation. Requirements include minimum values for depths and breadth of double bottoms. Also called double-hull tank vessel)
طََفل - طين clay (A loose, earthy, extremely fine-grained, natural sediment or soft rock composed primarily of clay-size or colloidal particles and characterized by high plasticity and by a considerable content of clay mineral and subordinate amounts of finely divided quartz, decomposed feldspar, carbonates, ferruginous matter, and other impurities; it forms a plastic, moldable mass when finely ground and mixed with water, retains its shape on drying, and becomes firm, rocklike and permanently hard on heating or firing)
طِفل infant (A young child in the first years of life)
ظاهرة الإخصاب العضوي الزائد - ظاهرة التخثر eutrophication (A process of pollution that occurs when a lake or stream becomes over-rich in plant nutrient; as a consequence it becomes overgrown in algae and other aquatic plants. The plants die and decompose. In decomposing the plants rob the water of oxygen and the lake, river or stream becomes lifeless. Nitrate fertilizers which drain from the fields, nutrients from animal wastes and human sewage are the primary causes of eutrophication. They have high biological oxygen demand (BOD))
ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري greenhouse effect (The warming of the Earth's atmosphere caused by the increasing concentration of atmospheric gases, such as water vapour and carbon dioxide. These gases absorb radiation emitted by the Earth, thus slowing down the loss of radiant energy from the Earth back to space)
ظاهرة جوية meteorological phenomenon (Phenomena which occur in the troposphere and stratosphere, such as precipitations, wind, temperature, etc.)
ظرف اجتماعي social condition (An existing circumstance, situation or state affecting the life, welfare and relations of human beings in community)
ظرف لاهوائي anaerobic condition (A mode of life carried on in the absence of molecular oxygen)
ظروف الحياة living condition (An element or characteristic of a habitation considered in light of its ability to sustain and promote the health and general well-being of occupants)
ظروف العمل working condition (All existing circumstances affecting labor in the workplace, including job hours, physical aspects, legal rights and responsibilities)
عادات وتقاليد custom and usage (A group pattern of habitual activity usually transmitted across generations and, in some instances, having the force of law)