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Terms for subject Environment (6297 entries)
جزر صغيرة Small Islands (political geography)
جزيء particle (1. Any very small part of matter, such as a molecule, atom, or electron. 2. Any relatively small subdivision of matter, ranging in diameter from a few angstroms to a few millimeters)
جزيء صلب solid particle (Any tiny or very small mass of material that has a definite volume and shape and resists forces that would alter its volume or shape)
جزيرة island (A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water)
جسر bridge (A structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle)
جسر - حاجز dyke (An artificial wall, embankment, ridge, or mound, usually of earth or rock fill, built around a relatively flat, low-lying area to protect it from flooding; a levee. A dyke may be also be constructed on the shore or border of a lake to prevent inflow of undesirable water)
جسر سكة حديدية viaduct (A long high bridge, usually held up by many arches, which carries a railway or a road over a valley or other similar area at a lower level)
جسم الإنسان human body (The entire physical structure of an human being)
جغرافيا حيوية biogeography (The science concerned with the geographical distribution of animal and plant life)
جفاف drought (A period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged so that the lack of water causes a serious hydrologic imbalance (such as crop damage, water supply shortage) in the affected area)
جفاف مناخي climatological drought
جلد leather (The dressed or tanned hide of an animal, usually with the hair removed)
جلسة محاكمة علنية public hearing (Right to appear and give evidence and also right to hear and examine witnesses whose testimony is presented by opposing parties)
جلي المعادن metal finishing (A process in which a chemical or some other substance is applied to metals as a way to clean, protect, alter or modify appearance or physical properties, especially surface properties)
جليد زلق glaze (A coating of ice, generally clear and smooth but usually containing some air pockets, formed on exposed objects by the freezing of a film of supercooled water deposited by rain, drizzle, or fog, or possibly condensed from supercooled water vapour)
جمارك customs (Duties charged upon commodities on their importation into, or exportation out of, a country)
جماعة اجتماعية social group (A collection of people who interact with one another and share a certain feeling of unity)
جماعة اجتماعية - ثقافية socio-cultural group (A collection of people who interact and share a sense of unity on account of a common ethnic, ancestral, generational or regional identity)
جماعة ضغط pressure group (Any politically active group with a common set of values about resource use allocation. Pressure groups seek to influence decisions on resource use allocation in excess of their proportional representation in the planned-for populace by seeking preferential consideration for their resource use choices)
جماعة مستهلكين consumer group (A collection of persons united to address concerns regarding the purchase and use of specific commodities or services)