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Terms for subject Microsoft (15846 entries)
unbound report 未繫結報表
unbound stream 未繫結資料流
unbound type 未繫結的型別
UNC (A convention for naming files and other resources beginning with two backslashes (\), indicating that the resource exists on a network computer) 通用命名慣例
uncloak 解除隱匿
Unconditional 所有來電
undeliverable 無法傳遞的
underallocation 分派不足
underlying table 基礎資料表
underscore 底線
Undirected 無方向
undo 復原
undo 恢復
undo disk 復原磁碟
undo file 恢復檔案
undo phase 復原階段
undock 卸除
unenforced relationship 非強制關聯性
unenlist 取消登錄
unfavorite 移除最愛