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Terms for subject Health care (177 entries)
haemophilia hemofilija
hazard identification identifikacija opasnosti
health of animals zdravlje životinja
health surveillance zdravstveni nadzor
hemophilia hemofilija
hereditary disease nasljedna bolest
histomonostat histomonostatik
hospital-acquired infection bolnička infekcija
hospital-acquired infection hospitalna infekcija
hospital-acquired infection nozokomijalna infekcija
hygiene rules pravila higijene
impairment of taste disgeuzija
impairment of taste parageuzija
industrial disease profesionalna bolest
infants and young children dojenčad i mala djeca
listerellosis listerioza
Listeria monocytogenes infection listerioza
listeriosis listerioza
major disease teška bolest
medical assessment zdravstveni nadzor