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Terms for subject Microsoft (3294 entries)
gridline linja tal-grilja
group grupp
Group Ad-hoc Network (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices) Netwerk ad hoc ta' grupp
group filter control kontroll tal-filtru tal-gruppi
Group Policy Politika tal-Grupp
group schedule skeda tal-grupp
Grouped List Lista Miġbura Fi Grupp
Groups Gruppi
guest link link għall-mistednin
guide gwida
gutter margin marġni tar-rilegatura
handwriting kaligrafija
handwriting panel panew tal-kaligrafija
hanging indent indent imdendel
hanging indent indent sporġut
hard disk drive drajv tal-ħardisk
Hardware and Devices troubleshooter risolvitur tal-Ħardwer u tat-Tagħmir
hardware failure żball tal-ħardwer
hardware interface interface tal-ħardwer
hate speech diskors odjuż