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Terms for subject Accounting (1648 entries)
reliability exception eċċezzjoni tal-affidabilità
reliable measurement test test tal-affidabbiltà tal-kejl
reload feature aspett tar-reload
reload option opzjoni reload
remeasurement kejl mill-ġdid
remeasurement rikalkolu
rendering of services għoti ta' servizzi
renewal rights drittijiet ta' tiġdid
reorganisations riorganizzazzjonijiet
repairs and maintenance tiswijiet u manutenzjoni
repayment ripagament
replacement cost of an asset prezz ta' sostituzzjoni ta' assi
repledge rahan mill-ġdid
reportable segment segment suġġett għar-rapportar
reporting currency munita tar-rapportar
reporting currency – translation from measurement currency to presentation currency munita tar-rapportar - qlib mill-munita tal-kejl għall-munita tal-preżentazzjoni
reporting currency - measurement and presentation of financial statements under IAS 21 and IAS 29 munita tar-rapportar - kejl u preżentazzjoni tar-rapport finanzjarju skont l-IAS 21 u l-IAS 29
reporting date data tar-rapport
reporting enterprise intrapriża relatriċi
reporting entity entità li tirrapporta