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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (1274 entries)
temporary external border fruntiera esterna temporanja
temporary external border konfini esterni temporanji
temporary migration migrazzjoni temporanja
temporary residence residenza temporanja
temporary residence permit permess tar-residenza temporanju
the ease with which national boundaries can be crossed il-faċilità li biha jistgħu jinqasmu l-fruntieri nazzjonali
the State called upon to take back the applicant l-Istat jissejjaħ biex jieħu lura lill-applikant
the State which issued the visa having the longest period of validity l-Istat li joħroġ il-viża bl-itwal perjodu ta' validità
the worker's right to be joined by his family id-dritt tal-ħaddiem li tingħaqad miegħu l-familja
thematic programme on cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylum programm tematiku dwar il-kooperazzjoni ma' pajjiżi terzi fl-oqsma tal-migrazzjoni u l-ażil
thematic programme on migration and asylum programm tematiku dwar il-kooperazzjoni ma' pajjiżi terzi fl-oqsma tal-migrazzjoni u l-ażil
third country of transit pajjiż terz ta' tranżitu
third-country national ċittadina ta’ pajjiż terz
third-country national found to be illegally present ċittadina ta’ pajjiż terz preżenti illegalment
third-country national mobility intramobbiltà fl-UE
thread...to sew the spine ħajt...biex tinħiet l-ispina
tolerated stay posponiment ta' tneħħija
total migration migrazzjoni totali
trafficking in human beings traffikar ta’ Persuni
trainee persuna titħarreġ