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Terms for subject Social science (852 entries)
National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Soċjetajiet Nazzjonali tas-Salib l-Aħmar u tan-Nofs Qamar l-Aħmar
needle and syringe exchange programme program ta' skambju tal-labar u s-siringi
neighbourhood service servizz ta' viċinat
nepotism nepotiżmu
Network of Employment Coordinators Netwerk ta' Koordinaturi tal-Impjiegi
new economy ekonomija ġdida
new employment opportunities opportunitajiet ġodda ta' xogħol
new psychoactive substance sustanza psikoattiva ġdida
new synthetic drug droga sintetika ġdida
Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1919 Konvenzjoni dwar ix-Xogħol ta' bil-Lejl taż-Żgħażagħ Impjegati fl-Industrija
nightlife settings ambjent ta' divertiment notturn
non-active population popolazzjoni inattiva
non-contributory benefit benefiċċju nonkontributorju
non-formal learning tagħlim mhux formali
non-standard employment xogħol atipiku
non-standard employment impjieg mhux standard
non-working population popolazzjoni inattiva
nursery school skola tat-trabi
nursery school kindergarten
nursery school nursery school