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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (478 entries)
common water lily ġilju tal-ilma
Community Action Plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals Pjan ta' Azzjoni Komunitarju dwar il-Protezzjoni u l-Benesseri tal-Annimali
corn bunting Durrajsa
cory's shearwater ċiefa
covering season l-istaġun tat-tgħammir
crag martin Ħawwiefa tal-Blat
crane grawwa
crane's bill ġeranju
cranesbill ġeranju
craw ħawsla
crop ħawsla
curlew Gurlin Żgħir
curlew sandpiper Beggazzina Ħamra
dabehick Blonġun Żgħir
deciduous tree siġra li tinża'
deciduous tree siġra ħorfija
deciduous tree siġra deċidwa
demoiselle crane Damiġella
desert warbler Bufula tad-Deżert
desert wheatear Kuda tad-Deżert