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Terms for subject Employment (413 entries)
speed of work ritmu tax-xogħol
speed of work pass tax-xogħol
split shift xift maqsum
staff representative rappreżentant tal-persunal
staff representative rappreżentant tal-ħaddiema
staff representative rappreżentant tal-impjegati
state aid for employment għajnuna mill-Istat għax-xogħol
statutory requirement rekwizit statutorju
stay permanenza
stop-go strike strajk intermittenti
structured interview intervista strutturata
task inkarigu
task kompitu
team work xogħol f'tim
temporary agency contract kuntratt ma' aġenzija ta' impjieg temporanju
temporary contract kuntratt temporanju
temporary contract kuntratt b'terminu fiss
temporary contract kuntratt ta' impjieg mhux permanenti
temporary contract kuntratt ta' impjieg temporanju
temporary employment impjieg temporanju