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Terms for subject Procedural law (468 entries)
status by habit and repute pussess ta' stat
statute-barred preskritt skond il-liġi
statutory intestate succession suċċessjoni ab intestato
step-parent adoption adozzjoni tal-wild naturali tal-konjuġi
substantive requisites of marriage rekwiżiti sostantivi għaż-żwieġ
substitute transaction tranżazzjoni sostituta
substitution of debtor sostituzzjoni tad-debitur
surname and first name kunjom u isem
surrender or transfer of parental responsibility delegazzjoni tas-setgħa tal-ġenituri
surrogacy maternità sostitwita
surrogate mother omm sostituta
suspensive effect effett sospensiv
suspensory effect effett sospensiv
system operator operatur tas-sistema
tacit prolongation tiġdid taċitu
tax lien rahan ta' taxxa
term not individually negotiated klawsola mhux innegozjata individwalment
termination of parental responsibility cħid mill-jeddijiet kollha tal-awtorità tal-ġenituri
termination of parental responsibility tneħħija tal-jeddijiet kollha tas-setgħa tal-ġenituri
testate estate beni li wieħed jista' jiddisponi minnhom b'testment