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Terms for subject Business (133 entries)
Programme for the Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs COSME
Programme for the Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs Programm għall-Kompetittività tal-Intrapriżi u l-SMEs
rating outlook prospett ta' klassifikazzjoni
re-outsourcing riesternalizzazzjoni
redemption price prezz tal-fidwa
redemption value prezz tal-fidwa
related undertaking impriżi relatati
related undertaking impriża assoċjata
reporting line linja ta' rapportar
reporting line linja ġerarkika
reserve price prezz ta' riżerva
sectoral innovation watch osservatorju tal-innovazzjoni settorjali
service of general economic interest servizz ta' interess ekonomiku ġenerali
shareholder azzjonista
shareholders' equity ekwità
shares ishma
single rate auction rkant bi prezz uniformi
Small Business Act "Att dwar in-Negozji ż-Żgħar" għall-Ewropa
Small Business Act "Small Business Act" għall-Ewropa
Small Business Act for Europe "Small Business Act" għall-Ewropa