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Terms for subject Health care (1850 entries)
food balance sheet bilanċ tal-ikel
food for particular nutritional uses intended for special medical purposes ikel għal tipi ta' użu nutrittivi partikolari maħsuba għal skopijiet mediċi speċjali
food ingredient with flavouring properties ingredjent tal-ikel bi proprjetajiet aromatizzanti
food intolerance intolleranza alimentari
food utilisation użu tal-ikel
food-borne disease marda li ġejja mill-ikel
food-borne disease marda li tinġarr fl-ikel
food-borne disease marda li tinfirex bl-ikel
food-borne disease marda li tittieħed mill-ikel
food-borne disease marda trażmessa mill-ikel
food-producing animal annimali għall-konsum
foodborne disease marda trażmessa mill-ikel
foodborne disease marda li ġejja mill-ikel
foodborne disease marda li tinġarr fl-ikel
foodborne disease marda li tinfirex bl-ikel
foodborne disease marda li tittieħed mill-ikel
foods for particular nutritional uses ikel tad-dieta
foods for particular nutritional uses ikel dijetetiku
foodstuffs for people intolerant to gluten oġġetti tal-ikel għal nies li ma taqbilx magħhom il-glutina
foot and mouth disease marda tal-ilsien u d-dwiefer