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Terms for subject Microsoft (3294 entries)
efficiency bonus bonus tal-effiċjenza
Efficient File Storage Ħżin Effiċjenti tal-Fajls
Elapsed Li għadda
electrical sensor senser tal-elettriku
Electronic Business Card Biljett tan-negozju elettroniku
elevated command prompt prompt tal-kmandi elevat
ellipsis ellissi
em dash linjetta twila
em space spazju em
email ibgħat posta elettronika
email posta elettronika
email address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by the indirizz elettroniku
email message messaġġ elettroniku
embed integra
embedded audio clip klipp awdjo integrat
embedded chart ċart integrata
embedded object oġġett integrat
embedded picture stampa integrata
embedded video clip klipp vidjo integrat
empty vojt