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Terms for subject Finances (4641 entries)
deal in investments as a principal negozjar f'investiment bħala prinċipal
dealer negozjant
dealer intermedjarju finanzjarju
dealing on own account jinnegozjaw f'isimhom stess
dealing order ordni tan-negozjar
dealing portfolio portafoll tan-negozjar
debenture obbligazzjoni
debenture bond
debenture holder detentur ta' obbligazzjoni
debenture loan self obbligazzjonarju
debit to the profit and loss account addebitar fir-rapport tal-introjtu
debt capital passivi
debt capital obbligazzjonijiet
debt exposure skopertura ta' dejn
debt issue ħruġ ta' dejn
debt issue ħruġ ta' bonds
debt issuer emittent ta' dejn
debt management strategy strateġija tal-immaniġġjar tad-dejn
debt portfolio portafoll tad-dejn
debt receivable dejn pendenti