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Terms for subject Microsoft (4246 entries)
newsgroup berri-talde
newsletter buletin
Newspaper egunkari
nickname goitizen
node nodo
noise word hitz huts
non-customizable component osagai ez pertsonalizagarri
non-delivery report entregatu ez izanaren jakinarazpen
non-printable character karaktere ez-inprimagarri
non-spacing character tarterik gabeko karaktere
nonbreaking hyphen hitzak ez zatitzeko marratxo
nonprinting character ez inprimatzeko karaktere
Normal template Txantiloi normal
normalization normalizazio
normalize normalizatu
not a number (A value that represents the result of an invalid calculation) not a number
not applicable ez dago erabilgarri
note ohar
note container ohar-edukiontzi
note tag etiketa