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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
neurotoxicity (The occurrence of adverse effects on a nervous system following exposure to a chemical) neurotoxikotasun
neutralisation (To make a solution neutral by adding a base to an acidic solution, or an acid to a basic solution) neutralizazio
new community (A sociopolitical, religious, occupational or other group of common characteristics and interests formed as an alternative to social, and often residential, options currently available) komunitate berri
new installation (A device, system, or piece of equipment that has been recently installed) instalazio berri
new material (Novel high-performance materials obtained through the interdisciplinary research of chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering) material berri
new technology (Electronic instruments and devices which have recently been developed and are been introduced into industry. New technologies have been introduced often in almost total ignorance or disregard of the biological and ecological systems that they subsequently disturb, and of the dynamic and evolving nature of living systems) teknologia berri
new town (Any of several recent urban developments that constitute small and essentially self-sufficient cities with a planned ordering of residential, industrial, and commercial development) hiri berri
newsgroup (A discussion group on a specific topic maintained on a computer network, frequently on the Internet) foro
newsgroup (A discussion group on a specific topic maintained on a computer network, frequently on the Internet) eztabaida-talde
newsletter (A printed periodical bulletin circulated to members of a group) informazio-orri
nickel (A malleable ductile silvery-white metallic element that is strong and corrosion-resistant, occurring principally in pentlandite and niccolite: used in alloys, especially in toughening steel, in electroplating, and as a catalyst in organic synthesis) nikel
NIMBY aptitude (aptitude "not in my back yard"; Not In My BackYard: phrase used to describe people who encourage the development of agriculture land for building houses or factories, provided it is not near where they themselves are living) EGEO jarrera
nitrate (Any salt or ester of nitric acid, such as sodium nitrate) nitrato
nitrification (The process by which ammonia compounds, including man-made fertilizer and the humus provided by organic matter or plant and animal origin, are converted into nitrites and then nitrates, which are then absorbed as a nutrient by crops. Excess nitrate can be leached into surface waters and groundwaters, causing pollution. Excess nitrate may also be converted by microbes back into gaseous nitrogen, which is an important greenhouse gas, and released back into the atmosphere. The ultimate source of nitrogen in the ecosystem is the molecular nitrogen in the atmosphere. To a very limited extent, some dissolves in water. However, none is found in rock) nitrifikazio
nitrite (A salt or ester of nitric acid, included in compounds such as potassium nitrite, sodium nitrite and butyl nitrite) nitrito
nitro compound (Any one of a class of usually organic compounds that contain the monovalent group, -NO2 (nitro group or radical) linked to a carbon atom) nitrogeno-konposatu
nitrogen (An essential nutrient in the food supply of plants and the diets of animals. Animals obtain it in nitrogen-containing compounds, particularly amino acids. Although the atmosphere is nearly 80% gaseous nitrogen, very few organisms have the ability to use it in this form. The higher plants normally obtain it from the soil after micro-organisms have converted the nitrogen into ammonia or nitrates, which they can then absorb) nitrogeno
nitrogen cycle (The complex set of processes by which crops acquire the large amount of nitrogen they need to make proteins, nucleic acids and other biochemicals of which they are composed, and how the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere) nitrogenoaren ziklo
nitrogen dioxide (A reddish-brown gas; it exists in varying degrees of concentration in equilibrium with other nitrogen oxides; used to produce nitric acid, NO2) nitrogenoIV oxido
nitrogen fixation (Assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by a variety of microorganisms which live freely in soil. Once the nitrogen has been captured by one of the microorganisms, there are many different routes by which it is handled. Some is retained in the soil as decomposing plant matter, waiting to be released and taken up by new crops as a nitrate. That nitrate is produced by nitrifying bacteria living in the soil that thrive on ammonia, which is produced by decaying plant and animal material. In processing nitrogen the nitrifying bacteria produce nitrate that can be absorbed by the roots of plants) nitrogenoaren finkapen