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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
barrier beach (An elongated sand or shingle bank which lies parallel to the coastline and is not submerged by the tide. If it is high enough to permit dune growth it is termed a barrier island) itsasbazterreko kordoi
barrier reef (An elongated accumulation of coral lying at low-tide level parallel to the coast but separated from it by a wide and deep lagoon or strait. The coral is thought to have formed initially on a flat surface: then as the sea-level rose in post-glacial times, thereby submerging the irregular wave-cut platform, the coral growth kept pace with the rising ocean level, so creating the great thickness witnessed today in such places as the Great Barrier Reef off the East coast of Queensland, Australia. This stretches for more than 1900 km and varies in width from about 30 km to 150 km) hesi-arrezife
baseline monitoring (Monitoring of long-term changes in atmospheric compositions of particular significance to the weather and the climate) oinarrizko kontrol
basic food requirement (The minimum nutriments deemed necessary for a person of a particular age, gender, physiological condition and activity level to sustain life, health and growth) oinarrizko elikadura-behar
basicity (The state of a solution of containing an excess of hydroxyl ions) basikotasun
basidiomycete basidiomizete
bastardisation of fauna (One of the possible consequences of the introduction of animal species in an area where they are not indigenous. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species may be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communities) fauna sasikotze
bastardisation of flora (One of the possible consequences of the introduction of plant species in an area where they are not indigenous) flora sasikotze
batch process (A process that is not in continuous or mass production; operations are carried out with discrete quantities of material or a limited number of items) batch tratamendu
bathing freshwater (Freshwater in which bathing is explicitly authorised or in which bathing is not prohibited and is traditionally practised by a large number of bathers. Water in such areas must meet specified quality standards relating to chemical, microbiological and physical parameters) bainuko ur geza
bathing seawater (Sea waters in which bathing is explicitly authorised or in which bathing is not prohibited and is traditionally practised by a large number of bathers. Water in such areas must meet specified quality standards relating to chemical, microbiological and physical parameters) bainuko ur gazi
bathing water (All waters, inland or coastal, except those intended for therapeutic purposes or used in swimming pools, an area either in which bathing is explicitly authorised or in which bathing is not prohibited and is traditionally practised by a large number of bathers. Water in such areas must meet specified quality standards relating to chemical, microbiological and physical parameters) bainuko ur
battery (A series of cells, each containing the essentials for producing voltaic electricity, connected together) bateria
battery disposal pilen ezabaketa
bay (An open, curving indentation made by the sea or a lake into a coastline) badia
beach (The unconsolidated material that covers a gently sloping zone, typically with a concave profile, extending landward from the low-water line to the place where there is a definite change in material or physiographic from (such as a cliff), or to the line of permanent vegetation (usually the effective limit of the highest storm waves); a shore of body of water, formed and washed by waves or tides, usually covered by sand or gravel, and lacking a bare rocky surface) hondartza
beach cleansing (The process of removing dirt, litter or other unsightly materials from shore line property or surrounding areas) hondartzen garbiketa
beaching (The washing ashore of whales or other cetaceans that have died for natural causes, or because of highly polluted sea water or after being trapped in drift nets) hondartzen antolamendu
bee (Any of the membranous-winged insects which compose the superfamily Apoidea in the order Hymenoptera characterized by a hairy body and by sucking and chewing mouthparts) erle
bee conservation (The care, preservation and husbandry of hymenopterous insects valued for their ability to pollinate crops and other flora or for their production of honey) erleen babes