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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
ammonia (A colorless gaseous alkaline compound that is very soluble in water, has a characteristic pungent odour, is lighter than air, and is formed as a result of the decomposition of most nitrogenous organic material, NH3) amoniako
ammonification (Addition of ammonia or ammonia compounds, especially to the soil) amonifikazio
ammonification (Addition of ammonia or ammonia compounds, especially to the soil) amonizazio
ammonium (The radical NH4+, NH4) amonio
amphibian (A class of vertebrate animals characterized by a moist, glandular skin, gills at some stage of development, and no amnion during the embryonic stage) anfibio
amusement park (An open-air entertainment area consisting of stalls, side shows etc.) jolas-parke
anaerobic condition (A mode of life carried on in the absence of molecular oxygen) egoera anaerobio
anaerobic condition (A mode of life carried on in the absence of molecular oxygen) egoera anaerobiko
anaerobic process (A process from which air or oxygen not in chemical combination is excluded) prozesu anaerobio
anaerobic process (A process from which air or oxygen not in chemical combination is excluded) prozesu anaerobiko
anaerobic treatment (Breakdown of organic material without the presence of oxygen, a treatment which permanently removes the unpleasant odour of many organic wastes so that they can be used on agricultural land) arazketa anaerobiko
analysis (Examination or determination) analisi
analysis (Examination or determination) azterketa
analysis programme (No definition needed) analisi-programa
analysis programme (No definition needed) azterketa-programa
analytical chemistry (The branch of chemistry dealing with techniques which yield any type of information about chemical systems) kimika analitiko
analytical equipment (Equipment employed in analytical techniques) analisi-ekipo
analytical method (No definition needed) metodo analitiko
analytical method (No definition needed) analisi-metodo
anatomy (The science concerned with the physical structure of animals and plants) anatomia