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Terms for subject Environment (5949 entries)
hazard of pollutants (Risk or danger to human health, property or the environment posed by the introduction of a harmful substances into the ecosystem) kutsatzaile-arrisku
hazardous chemical export (Transporting substances capable of producing adverse health effects, fires or explosions to other countries or areas for the conduct of foreign trade) produktu kimiko arriskutsuen esportazio
hazardous substance (Any material that poses a threat to human health and/or the environment. Typical hazardous substances are toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive, or chemically reactive) gai arriskutsu
hazardous substances legislation (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the production, use or clean-up of materials that pose a threat to human health and the environment, particularly materials that are toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive or chemically reactive) gai arriskutsuei buruzko legeria
hazardous waste (Any waste or combination of wastes with the potential to damage human health, living organisms or the environment. Hazardous wastes usually require special handling and disposal procedures which are regulated by national and international laws) hondakin berezi
hazardous waste dump (Disposal facilities where hazardous waste is placed in or on land. Properly designed and operated landfills are lined to prevent leakage and contain systems to collect potentially contaminated surface water run-off) hondakin berezien hondakindegi
hazardous working material (A poison, corrosive agent, flammable substance, explosive, radioactive chemical, or any other material which can endanger human health or well-being if handled improperly) erabilera arriskutsuko lan-material
haze (Reduced visibility in the air as a result of condensed water vapour, dust, etc., in the atmosphere) gandu
headland (A cape or promontory jutting seawards from a coastline, usually with a significant sea cliff; geography) lurmutur
headland (farm, A strip of land left at the end of a furrow in a field in order to facilitate the turning of the plough) soro-ertz
health (A state of dynamic equilibrium between an organism and its environment in which all functions of mind and body are normal) osasun
health care osasungintza
health care profession osasungintzako lanbide
health effect of noise (Noise consequences on human health consist in loss of hearing and psychological effects) zarataren eragina osasunean
health facility (A facility or location where medical, dental, surgical, or nursing attention or treatment is provided to humans or animals) osasun-azpiegitura
health hazard osasunerako arrisku
health legislation (Laws, ordinances, or codes prescribing sanitary, clean air, etc., standards and regulations, designed to promote and preserve the health of the community and working conditions of businesses) osasun-legeria
health protection osasunaren babes
health regulation (A body of rules or orders prescribed by government or management to promote or protect the soundness of human bodies and minds in the workplace, at home or in the general environment) osasun-arautegi
health service (The supply of health care to the public) osasun-zerbitzu