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Terms for subject Environment (6584 entries)
road salt (Salt used against the formation of ice on roads; when excess salt washes off the roads, it can poison roadside vegetation or raise salt concentrations in streams and reserves of underground water. It also accelerates the deterioration of concrete and metal) posypová soľ
road setting (The establishing of boulevards, turnpikes, highways and other routes on land) projektovanie ciest
road traffic (Circulation of motor vehicles and people on the road network) cestná premávka
road traffic engineering (Discipline which includes the design of highways and pedestrian ways, the study and application of traffic statistics, and the environmental aspects of the transportation of goods and people) dopravné inžinierstvo cestné
road transport (Transportation of goods and persons by vehicles travelling on a road network) cestná preprava
rock (Any aggregate of minerals that makes up part of the earth's crust. It may be unconsolidated, such as sand, clay, or mud, or consolidated, such as granite, limestone, or coal) hornina
rock mechanics (The theoretical and applied science of the physical behavior of rocks, representing a "branch of mechanics concerned with the response of rock to the force fields of its physical environment") mechanika hornín
rock salt mining (Rock salt mining is an underground mining process in which the salt is physically dug out of the ground in an operation involving drilling, blasting and crushing the rock. The major percentage of this output is used for winter road maintenance) ťažba kamennej soli
rock wool (A generic term for felted or matted fibers manufactured by blowing or spinning threads of molten rock, slag, or glass. The material is used for thermal insulation) minerálne vlákno
rodent (Any of the relatively small placental mammals that constitute the order Rodentia, having constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing) hlodavce
Rodrigues fruit-eating bat kaloň rodriguezský
Rodriques flying-fox kaloň rodriguezský
rolling noise (Deeply resounding, reverberating noise caused by the friction between car tyres and road surfaces) hluk spôsobený valením pneumatiky
root (The absorbing and anchoring organ of a vascular plant; it bears neither leaves nor flowers and is usually subterranean) koreň
root crop (Plants which store edible material in a root, corm or tuber; root crops used as food vegetables or fodder include carrots, parsnips, swedes and turnips; starchy root crops include potatoes, cassavas and yams) okopaniny
rotary furnace (A heat-treating furnace of circular construction which rotates the workpiece around the axis of the furnace during heat treatment; workpieces are transported through the furnace along a circular path) rotačná pec
Rotterdam Convention Rotterdamský dohovor o udeľovaní predbežného súhlasu po predchádzajúcom ohlásení pre vybrané nebezpečné chemikálie a pesticídy v medzinárodnom obchode
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade Rotterdamský dohovor o udeľovaní predbežného súhlasu po predchádzajúcom ohlásení pre vybrané nebezpečné chemikálie a pesticídy v medzinárodnom obchode
route (Any established or selected course for passage or travel) cesta
route (Any established or selected course for passage or travel) dráha