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Terms for subject Environment (6584 entries)
emission reduction banking (a system for recording qualified air emission reductions for later use in bubble, offset or netting transactions (emission trading); A system for recording qualified air emission reductions for later use in bubble, offset, or netting transactions. Plant complexes that reduce emissions substantially may "bank" their "credits" or sell them to other industries) systém obchodovania s emisnými kvótami
emission reduction objective cieľ zníženia emisií
emission reduction pathway cesta znižovania emisií
emission reduction trajectory cesta znižovania emisií
emission reduction unit jednotka zníženia emisií
emission register (A listing, by source, of the amounts of air pollutants discharged in the atmosphere of a community daily) register emisií
emission situation emisná situácia
emission source (A chemical process, building, furnace, plant or other entity responsible for the discharge of pollutants or contaminants into the environment) zdroj znečisťovania ovzdušia
emission source zdroj emisií
emission standard (The maximum amount of discharge legally allowed from a single source, mobile or stationary) emisná norma
emission standard emisná norma
emission to water (The discharge of solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants or contaminants into a body of water) emisie do vôd
emission trajectory cesta znižovania emisií
emission-reduction target cieľ zníženia emisií
emissions emisie
emissions abatement znižovanie emisií
emissions abatement zníženie emisií
emissions allowance povolenie na emisie
emissions allowance emisná kvóta skleníkových plynov
emissions allowance obchodovateľné emisné povolenie