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Terms for subject Mathematics (4955 entries)
testing of hypothesis prófun tilgáta
testing of hypothesis tilgátuprófun
tetrachoric correlation tetrachoric fylgni
tetrachoric function tetrachoric virka
Theil's inequality coefficient Theil er misrétti stuðullinn
Theil's mixed regression estimator blandað Theil er afturför metilsins
theoretical frequencies fræðilega tíðni
theoretical frequencies ráð frequency
theoretical variable fræðilegum breytu
Thiessen polygon Thiessen marghyrning
Thiessen polygon Delthiel marghyrning
Thiessen polygon Voronoi marghyrning
Thomas distribution Thomas dreifing
Thompson's rule Thompson regla
three-dimensional lattice tridimensional grindarbyggingu
three-point assay þrjá punkta prófi
three-series theorem þriggja röð setningin
three-stage least squares þriggja þrepa kosti ferninga
threshold model viðmiðunarmörk fyrirmynd
threshold theorems viðmiðunarmörk setningar