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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
technology assessment (The systematic analysis of the anticipated impact of a particular technology in regard to its safety and efficacy as well as its social, political, economic, and ethical consequences) technológia értékelése
technology transfer (The transfer of development and design work: 1. from a parent company to a subsidiary, perhaps in another nation where it will be paid for in repatriated profits or royalties; 2. from one country to another as a form of aid to help promote development and sustainable growth. Many nations have made great progress on the strength of technology transfer) technológiátadás
tectonics (A branch of geology dealing with the broad architecture of the outer part of the Earth, that is, the regional assembling of structural or deformation features, a study of their mutual relations, origin and historical evolution) szerkezettan/tektonika
telecommunications (The conveyance of images, speech and other sounds, usually over great distances, through technological means, particularly by television, telegraph, telephone or radio) távközlés
teleheating (The supply of heat, either in the form of steam or hot water, from a central source to a group of buildings) távfűtés
telematics (The convergence of computing and communications technologies, thus the use of telephone or radio to link computers and the use of computers to send messages via telephone or radio links) telematika
telemetry (The use of radio waves, telephone lines, etc., to transmit the readings of measuring instruments to a device on which the readings can be indicated or recorded) távmérés/telemetria
television (The process, equipment or programming involved in converting a succession of audiovisual images into corresponding electrical signals that are transmitted by means of electromagnetic waves to distant receivers or screens, at which the signals can be used to reproduce the original image) televízió
television programme (A performance or production transmitted in audiovisual signals with electromagnetic waves) televízióprogram
temperate climate (The climate of the middle latitudes; the climate between the extremes of tropical climate and polar climate) mérsékelt éghajlat
temperate ecosystem (The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in regions of or related to moderate climates, intermediate between tropical and polar zones and having distinct warm to hot summer seasons and cool to cold winter seasons) mérsékeltövi ökoszisztéma
temperate forest (Mixed forest of conifers and broad-leaf deciduous trees, or mixed conifer and broad-leaf evergreen trees, or entirely broad-leaf deciduous, or entirely broad-leaf evergreen trees, found in temperate regions across the world; characterized by high rainfall, warm summers, cold winters occasionally subzero, seasonality; typically with dense canopies, understorey saplings and tall shrubs, large animals, carnivores dominant, very rich in bird species) mérsékeltövi erdő
temperate woodland (Forest dominated by broad-leaved hardwoods, which occurs over large tracts in the mid-latitudes of Europe, N. America, and eastern Asia, but which is restricted in the southern hemisphere to Chilean Patagonia) mérsékeltövi erdős terület
temperature (A property that determines the direction of heat flow when an object is brought into thermal contact with other objects: heat flows from regions of higher to those of lower temperatures) hőmérséklet
temperature range hõmérsékleti tartomány
temporary housing átmeneti lakhely
temporary shelter (Simple facilities for asylum or provisional lodgings to individuals or groups in emergencies) átmeneti menhely
temporary storage (Any deposit or holdings of goods, materials or waste in a facility, container, tank or some other physical location for a brief or short time period) átmeneti tárolás
teratogen (Substances causing formation of a congenital anomaly or monstrosity in the embryo) embriót károsító
teratogenesis (The process whereby abnormalities of the offspring are generated, usually as the result of damage to the embryonal structure during the first trimester of pregnancy, producing deformity of the fetus) torzfejlődés