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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
space transportation (Transportation by means of vehicles designed to operate in free space outside the earth's atmosphere) űrközlekedés
space travel (Travel in the space beyond the earth's atmosphere performed for scientific research purposes) űrutazás
space waste (Nonfunctional debris of human origin left in a multitude of orbits about the earth as the result of the exploration and use of the environment lying outside the earth's atmosphere) űrhulladék
spasmodic croup görcsös krupp
spatial distribution (A distribution or set of geographic observations representing the values of behaviour of a particular phenomenon or characteristic across many locations on the surface of the Earth) térbeli eloszlás
spatial mobility (The rate of moves or migrations made by a given population within a given time frame) térbeli mobilitás
spawning ground (Area of water where fish come each year to produce their eggs) ívóhely
spawning-stock biomass szaporodóképes állomány biomasszája
special area of conservation különleges természetmegőrzési terület
special authorisation (An exceptional granting of power or permission or a legislative act authorizing money to be spent on government programs) külön felhatalmazás
Special Climate Change Fund Különleges Éghajlat-változási Alap
special fishing permit különleges halászati engedély
special industrial waste (Discarded material produced in any industrial process for which there is no specified mode of disposal) speciális ipari hulladék
special law (One relating to particular persons or things; one made for individual cases or for particular places or districts; one operating upon a selected class, rather than upon the public generally. A law is special when it is different from others of the same general kind or designed for a particular purpose, or limited in range or confined to a prescribed field of action or operation) különleges törvény
special protection area kmt
special protection area különleges madárvédelmi terület
special protection zone különleges madárvédelmi terület
special protection zone kmt
special waste (Waste which must be handled in a particular manner and for which particular rules apply) különleges hulladék
specialisation (biological, Evolutionary adaptation to a particular mode of life or habitat) specializáció