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Terms for subject Patents (13434 entries)
control panels tableaux de commande
controllers contrôleurs
controversial contesté
controversial discuté
controversial débattu
controversy différend
controversy litige
convention application application conventionnelle
Convention Countries unionistes
convention country pays de l’Union
convention country pays signataire
convention date date de priorité
Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation Convention instituant l'Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle
Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market Convention sur le brevet communautaire
Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market Convention relative au Brevet européen pour le Marché commun
Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market Convention de Luxembourg
Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market Convention relative au brevet européen pour le Marché commun
Convention on the Grant of European Patents Convention de Munich
convention priority priorité conventionelle
conversion of a patent application into an application for a certificate of utility transformation d’une demande de brevet en demande de certificat d’utilité