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Terms for subject Microsoft (19206 entries)
3D model modèle 3D
3D object objet 3D
3G connection Connexion 3G
3PL prestataire logistique
4-byte signed Integer (An Automation integer data type that can be either positive or negative. The most significant bit is the sign bit, which is 1 for negative values and 0 for positive values. The storage size of the integer is 4 bytes. A 4-byte signed integer can have a range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) Entier signé
40-bit encryption chiffrement 40 bits
64-bit 64 bits
8-bit color couleur 8 bits
802.1X-capable switch commutateur compatible 802.1X
802.1X-capable wireless access point point d'accès sans fil compatible 802.1X
9+ participants Plus de 9 participants
A record enregistrement A
A/P comptes fournisseurs
A/R comptes clients
A/V Conferencing Edge Server serveur Edge de conférence A/V
A/V Conferencing Edge service service Edge de conférence A/V
A/V Edge server serveur Edge A/V
A1 notation notation A1
A2A integration intégration interapplication
AA anticrénelage