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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
supporting documents pièces et documents annexés
supreme court cour suprême
Supreme Soviet Soviet Suprême
surgical instruments instruments chirurgicaux
Suriname Suriname
Surinamese Surinamais
surname, forenames, description and address of the witness nom, prénoms, qualité et demeure des témoins
surplus excédent
surroundings abords
survey enquête
survey (Collecting data on a given topic, mainly through interviews, questionnaires, etc) enquête
survey area zone d'enquête
surveyor métreur
survival strategies stratégies de survie
survival strategies (Measures adopted by low-income households to cover their basic needs) stratégies de survie
survivors benefit prestations de survivants
suspend certain of the rights deriving from the application of the Treaties to the Member State in question suspendre certains des droits découlant de l'application des traités à l'État membre en question
suspend enforcement surseoir à l'exécution forcée
suspended ceiling with built-in air vents faux plafond pulsant
suspended panel ceiling faux plafond à caissons