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Terms for subject Informal (1731 entries)
that guy gets right up my nose ce type, je l'ai dans le nez
that guy's a bit of a leech! il est plutôt collant, ce type!
that guy's a walking disaster! une catastrophe, ce type!
that guy's got a real nerve! ce type se moque du monde!
that takes the biscuit alors ça, c'est le bouquet!
that takes the cake! alors ça, c'est le bouquet!
that thing weighs a ton! ce truc-là pèse une tonne!
that was a close call il était moins une
that was a close call il était moins cinq
that was a close shave il était moins une
that was a close shave il était moins cinq
that was a close thing! on a eu chaud!
that was a near thing! on a eu chaud!
that's a bit much il y a de l'abus
that's a bit of a blow! sale coup (pour la fanfare)
that's a bit of a downer! sale coup (pour la fanfare)
that's a good investment — don't talk nonsense! c'est un bon investissement — n'importe quoi!
that's a good investment — don't talk rubbish c'est un bon investissement — n'importe quoi!
that's a load of (stuff and) nonsense tout ça, c'est des histoires
that's a mean sound system you've got there! dis donc, elle donne, ta chaîne hi-fi!