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Terms for subject Technology (34636 entries)
nanoanalytics nanoanalytique
nanogram nanogramme
nanoindenter système d'implantation ionique (nanoindenter)
nanoproduct nanoproduit
nanosecond nanoseconde
nanosecond nano-seconde
naphtha naphta
naphthalene naphtalène
naphthenic base crude pétrole brut naphténique
naphthylacetic ac acide alpha-naphtylacétique
Napierian logarithm logarithme népérien
nappe lame déversante
napping machine ratineuse
napping machine machine à ratiner
narrow étroit
narrow fabric with selvage ruban large
narrow fabric with selvedge ruban large
narrow fabric without selvage bande découpée large
narrow fabric without selvedge bande découpée large
narrow filling bourrage