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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
family benefit prestations familiales
family benefit (Any benefit in cash or in kind granted to offset family maintenance costs) prestations familiales
family budget budget familial
family budget (household expenditure) budget familial
family caregiver fournisseur de soins familiaux
family caregiver (informal care) fournisseur de soins familiaux
family enterprise entreprise familiale
family expenditure dépenses des familles
family expenditure (household expenditure) dépenses des familles
family farm exploitation agricole familiale
family farm (Farm on which the bulk of the labour is provided by members of a single household, the majority of whom are relatives) exploitation agricole familiale
family leave congé familial
family leave (If unpaid, combine with UNPAID LEAVE) congé familial
family planning planification familiale
family responsibilities responsabilités familiales
family responsibilities (Responsibilities of workers in relation to dependent children or other members of the immediate family who need their care or support) responsabilités familiales
family size dimension de la famille
family welfare bien-être familial
family welfare (The maintenance or improvement of family well-being) bien-être familial
family worker travailleur familial