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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
cancellation of appropriations annulation de crédits
canning mise en conserve
canning industry industrie de la conserve
Cantabrian Mountains la Corniche cantabrique
canteen restaurant du personnel
canteen furniture mobilier pour collectivité
cantilevered floor plancher en porte-à-faux
canvassing démarchage électoral
Capability Manager (Engagement) responsable des capacités (Engagement)
Capacity & Continuity Capacité et Continuité
capacity building renforcement des capacités
capacity building (The process by which individuals, organizations, institutions and societies develop abilities (individually and collectively) to perform functions, solve problems and set and achieve objectives) renforcement des capacités
capacity building développement des capacités
capacity development création des capacités
capacity strengthening développement des capacités
capacity strengthening création des capacités
capacity strengthening renforcement des capacités
Capital Capital
capital cost coût du capital
capital flow flux de capitaux