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Terms for subject Mathematics (4243 entries)
operating characteristic 운영특성, 검사특성
operational research (br.) 운용연구, 운용과학, O.R.
operations research (am.) 운용연구, 운용과학, O.R.
opinion poll 여론조사
opinion survey 여론조사
optimal asymptotic test 국소 (적) 근사최강력 검정검증
optimal stopping rule 최적정지규칙
optimality of design 최적설계
optimum allocation 최적배분
optimum linear predictor 최적선형예측변수
optimum statistic 최량 통계량
optimum stratification 최적층화
optimum test 최적검정검증
Ord-Carver system Ord-Carver 체계
order of coefficients 계수순서
order of interaction 상호작용순서
order of stationarity 정상성순서
order statistics 순서통계량
ordered alternative hypothesis 순서대립대안가설
ordered categorisation 순서범주화