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Terms for subject Environment (5171 entries)
gasification (1. Any chemical or heat process used to convert a substance to a gas. 2. The production of gaseous fuels by reacting hot carbonaceous materials with air, steam or oxygen. The process takes place at high temperature. The gasification product is a mixture of combustible gases and tar compounds, together with particles and water vapour. Depending on the gasification method, the proportion of components varies, but common to all the processes is that the gas has to be purified before it can be used directly in a gas engine or a gas turbine) forgassing
gasohol (A mixture of 80% or 90% petrol with 20% or 10% ethyl alcohol, for use as a fuel in internal combustion engines) gasohol
gasoline engine (An internal combustion engine that uses a mixture of air and gasoline vapour as a fuel) bensinmotor
gastropod (Any mollusc of the class Gastropoda, typically having a flattened muscular foot for locomotion and a head that bears stalked eyes) gastropode
gaswork (Place where gas, especially coal gas, is made) gassverk
gender issue (A point, matter or dispute concerning the capabilities, societal roles or other differences and divisions between women and men, especially the relative weight of biological and physical difference versus culture and socialization as a cause of those distinctions) likestillingsspørsmål
gene (A unit of heredity composed of DNA occupying a fixed position on a chromosome. A gene may determine a characteristic of an individual by specifying a polypeptide chain that forms a protein or part of a protein (structural gene); or repress such operation (repressor gene)) arvestoff
gene bank (Storehouses of seeds or vegetative tissue, kept in low humidity and temperature, to help maintain genetic diversity. Sometimes known as seed banks or germ plasm banks. their contents mostly originate from a wide range of primitive strains and wild crop varieties. The International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR), which was established in 1974, promotes the collection, documentation, evaluation, conservation and eventual use of genetic resources of significant plant species. Gene banks are the subject of international controversy because they contain seeds that have mostly been acquired from the developing countries by the industrially rich countries, where they have been used in breeding programmes to develop new strains. Instead of taking decades over a traditional plant breeding programme by fertilization, it is now possible to manipulate directly the genes of plants, creating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are plants modified to give a higher resistance to disease and improved growth and yields and, therefore, increase the profit of the plant breeder and farmer) genbank
general administrative order (An administrative mandate outlining the process by which a concept, plan, decree or law is to be put into actual practice by a specific organization or government agency) generelt forvaltningstiltak
general chemistry (The study of the elements and the compounds they form) generell kjemi
general education (Informal learning or formal instruction with broad application to human existence beyond the domain of any particular subject or discipline, often equated with liberal arts in the university setting and contrasted to courses required for a specific major or program) allmenndannelse
genetic diversity (The variation between individuals and between populations within a species) genetisk mangfold
genetic effect (Inheritable change, chiefly mutations produced by chemical substances, herbicides, radiations, etc.) genetisk effekt
genetic engineering (1. The complex of techniques for the production of new genes and the alteration of the structure of the chromosomes to produce effects beneficial to man, in agriculture and medicine. 2. The intentional production of new genes and alteration of genomes by the substitution or addition of new genetic material) genteknologi
genetic engineering legislation genteknologilovgivning
genetic information (The information for protein synthesis contained in the nucleotide sequences of the DNA polynucleotide chain) genetisk informasjon
genetic modification (Inheritable changes produced by ionizing radiation, exposure to certain chemicals, ingestion of some medication and from other causes) genmodifisering
genetic pool (The total number of genes or the amount of genetic information possessed by all the reproductive members of a population of sexually reproducing organisms) genpool
genetic resource (The gene pool in natural and cultivated stocks of organisms that are available for human exploitation. It is desirable to maintain as diverse a range of organisms as possible, particularly of domesticated cultivars and their ancestors, in order to maintain a wide genetic base. The wider the genetic base, the greater the capacity for adaptation to particular environmental conditions) genetisk ressurs
genetic variation (Change in one or more phenotypic characteristics, due to gene mutation or rearrangement, environmental effects, etc.) genetisk variasjon