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Terms for subject Electricity generation (119 entries)
internal combustion set forbrenningsmotoraggregat
isolation of a unit overgang til isolert drift
Kaplan turbine kaplanturbin
line of shafting rotorstreng
liquid fuel boiler oljefyrt kjele
load factor of a unit utnyttelsesgrad for aggregat
magneto-hydro-dynamic thermal power station magnetohydrodynamisk kraftstasjon
main generator hovedgenerator
maximum capacity of a power station maksimal stasjonsytelse
maximum capacity of a unit maksimal aggregatytelse
mean energy capability (of one or more hydroelectric installations) midlere produksjonsevne
MHD power station magnetohydrodynamisk kraftstasjon
minimum safe output of the unit minste tillatte avgitte effekt
motor set motoraggregat
natural circulation boiler kjele med naturlig sirkulasjon
net average heat rate of a unit spesifikt netto varmeforbruk for aggregat
net head of a hydroelectric power station netto fallhøye
net output of a power station netto stasjonseffekt
net output of a set netto aggregateffekt
net thermal efficiency of a unit netto termisk virkningsgrad for aggregat