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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Topic Centre on inland waters Themenzentrum Binnengewässer
topic databases themenspezifische Datenbanken
topic report themenspezifischer Bericht
topic report Topic Report
topic workshop themenspezifischer Workshop
topped timber entwipfeltes Holz
tornado Wirbelsturm
tornado twister
tornado Zyklon
tornado (A rapidly rotating column of air developed around a very intense low-pressure centre. It is associated with a dark funnel-shaped cloud and with extremely violent winds (>300km/h) blowing in a counterclockwise spiral, but accompanied by violent downdraughts. The precise mechanisms are not fully understood but the following atmospheric conditions appear to be necessary for tornado development: a layer of warm moist air at low altitude; a layer of dry air at higher altitude with an inversion of temperature at about 1.000 m; a triggering mechanism, usually in the form of an active, intense cold front or solar heating of the ground which will create a vortex) Tornado
torrent Bergstrom
torrent Gebirgfluss
tortoise (Any herbivorous terrestrial chelonian reptile of the family Testudinidae, of most warm regions, having a heavy dome-shaped shell and clawed limbs) Schildkröte
total acidity Gesamtsäurebelastung
total acidity Gesamtsäuregrad
total acidity of ambient air Index über den Gesamtsäuregehalt in der Luft
total alkali strength m-Wert
total amount Gesamtozon
total amount Ozongesamtgehalt
total amount gesamter Ozongehalt