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Terms for subject General (508411 entries)
third-party funds Drittmittel
third-party interests von Dritten gehaltene Anteile
third-party motion to vacat Drittwiderspruchsklage
third-party motion to vacate Drittwiderspruchsklage
third-party research funds Forschungsdrittmittel
third-party responsibility Fremdverschulden
third-party software Fremdsoftware
third-party traffic Drittverkehr
third-place play-off Spiel um Platz drei
third-placed drittplaziert
third-rail (railway) dreischienig
third-world store Dritte-Welt-Laden
third-zero solution dritte Null-Lösung
thirdly drittens
thirds dritteln
thirds drittes
thirst Durst
thirst dürsten
thirst for lechzen nach
thirst for action Tatendrang