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Terms for subject Medical (235561 entries)
subpetrosal sinus Sinus petrosus inferior
subpharyngeal subpharyngeal
subphrenic subdiaphragmatisch
subphrenic subdiaphragmal
subphrenic infradiaphragmatisch
subphrenic abscess subphrenischer Abszess
subphrenic abscess subdiaphragmatischer A.
subphrenic displacement of colon Chilaiditi-Syndrom
subphrenic displacement of the colon Chilaiditi Syndrom
subphrenic displacement of the colon Chilaiditi Symptom
subphrenic recess Recessus subphrenici s.phrenicohepatici
subphrenic space subphrenischer Raum
subphrenic space Hypophrenium
subphylum Unterabteilung
subpituitarism Hypopituitarismus
subplacenta Decidua basalis
subplacenta Decidua serotina
subpleural subpleural
subpopulation Subpopulation
subpore complex Subporenkomplex