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Terms for subject General (508411 entries)
Revolutionary Armed Forces Bewaffnete Kräfte der Rebellen
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Revolutionäre Streitkräfte Kolumbiens
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army FARC (f.pl.)
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army FARC-EP (f.pl.)
revolutionary army Revolutionsarmee
Revolutionary Command Council Revolutionärer Kommandorat
Revolutionary Communist League Revolutionäre Kommunistische Liga
Revolutionary Democratic Party Partei der demokratischen Revolution
revolutionary era Revolutionszeit
Revolutionary Fight Revolutionärer Kampf
Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor Revolutionäre Front des unabhängigen Ost-Timors
revolutionary government Revolutionsregierung
revolutionary guard Revolutionswächter
revolutionary hero Revolutionsheld
revolutionary history Revolutionsgeschichte
revolutionary leader Revolutionsführer
Revolutionary Left Movement Bewegung der Revolutionären Linken
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement Nationalistisch-Revolutionäre Bewegung
revolutionary party Umsturzpartei
Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea Revolutionäre Volksrepublik Guinea