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Terms for subject General (508411 entries)
policy of money supply Geldmengenpolitik
policy of obstruction Obstruktionspolitik
policy of obstructionism Obstruktionspolitik
policy of obstructionism Verschleppungstaktik
policy of peace Friedenspolitik
policy of repression Repressionspolitik
policy of retrenchment Sparpolitik
policy of roll back Politik der Zurückdrängung
policy of savings Sparkurs
policy of savings Sparpolitik
policy of self-reliance Self-Reliance-Politik
policy of stopping the immigration Einwanderungsstop
Policy of the European Union on the security of personnel deployed outside the European Union in an operational capacity under Title V of the Treaty on European Union Konzept der Europäischen Union für die Sicherheit des im Rahmen des Titels V EUV in operativer Funktion außerhalb der Europäischen Union eingesetzten Personals
policy of the law Rechtsgedanke
policy of the law Rechtsgrundsatz
policy of the State toward the Church Kirchenpolitik
policy of vocational training politik der beruflichen Bildung
policy officer Referent/-in
policy officer Sachbearbeiter/-in
policy on energy and climate Energie- und Klimapolitik