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Terms for subject Construction (50300 entries)
plane lattice structural system ebenes Stabsystem
plane marking Flächenaufmaß
plane motion zweidimensionale Bewegung
plane of bearing Druckfläche
plane of couple Ebene eines Kräftepaares
plane of flexure Biegeebene
plane of horizon Horizontalebene
plane of loading Belastungsebene
plane of loading Kraftebene
plane of motion Bewegungsfläche
plane of rupture Bruchfläche
plane of saturation Grundwasserstand
plane of section Schnittebene
plane of section Querschnittsfläche
plane of slip Gleitfläche
plane of slip Gleitebene
plane off abrichten
plane section ebener Querschnitt
plane smoothing Ausfugen
plane system ebenes System