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Terms for subject Medical (235816 entries)
perforation of zygomatic abscess Jochbeindurchbruch
perforator Schädelbohrer
perforator Perforatorium
perforator Nagel
perforator Knochenbohrer
perforatorium Perforatorium
perforin Perforin
perform an autopsy sezieren
performance enhancer Leistungssteigerungsmittel
performance in creative efforts schöpferische Fähigkeiten
performance in creative efforts Kreativität
performance of Credé prophylaxis Credéisieren
performance pulse index Leistungspulsindex
performance scale Leistungsskala
performance score sprachfreie Handlungsteste
perfrigeration Erfrierung
perfrigeration Kongelation
perfrigeration Congelatio
perfrigeration Frostballen
perfrigeration Frostbeule