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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (8119 entries)
ong-haul truck driver Fernfahrer
only available by prescription verschreibungspflichtig
op-ed Meinungsseite
open check Barscheck
open-sources information öffentlich zugängliche Informationen
opening day (of the movie) Kinostart
operating light Operationsleuchte
operating light Operationslampe
operating room Operationssaal
operating room nurse Operationspfleger
operating room nurse Operationsschwester
operating-room nurse OP-Schwester
operating-room nurse Operationsschwester
operations center Betriebszentrale
operations center Einsatzzentrale
opponents of globalization Globalisierungsgegner
opposed piston engine Boxermotor
opposite colored bishops (chess) ungleichfarbige Läufer (Schach)
opt to wählen
optic disk Sehnervenscheibe