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Terms for subject Metallurgy (40030 entries)
manganesian iron Manganeisen
manganic oxide Manganoxyd
manganiferous zinc ore manganhaltiges Zinkerz
manganin Manganin
manganin wire Manganindraht
manganocalcite Manganokalzit
manganophyllite Manganphyllit
manganosite Manganosit
manganous manganhaltig
manganous oxide Manganoxydul
mangerite Mangerit
mangling Geraderichten
Manheim gold Mannheimer Gold
manifest crisis offensichtlicher Krisenzustand
manifold verteilbatterie
manifold zentralversorgungsanlage
manifold Verteilungssystem
manifold for supply of fluid under pressure Druckwasserrohr
Manilla rope Hanftau
manipulation of the cutting blowpipe Handhabung des Schneidbrenners